#!/bin/bash nthreads=28 memory=7 on_login=${1} queue="berg" env="/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/venv_csiborg/bin/python" file="field_sph_gadget.py" # Guilhem says higher resolution is better resolution=1024 SPH_executable="/mnt/users/rstiskalek/cosmotool/bld/sample/simple3DFilter" scratch_space="/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/dump/" snapshot_kind="gadget2" snapshot_path="/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/CLONES/s8/cf2gvpecc1pt5elmo73_sig6distribsbvoldi_RZA3Derrv2_512_500_ss8_zinit60_000" output_path="/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/CLONES/s8/cf2gvpecc1pt5elmo73_sig6distribsbvoldi_RZA3Derrv2_512_500_ss8_zinit60_000.hdf5" # Check if `on_login` is either 0 or 1 # Check if on_login is not empty and is a valid integer (0 or 1) if [ -z "$on_login" ] || ! [[ "$on_login" =~ ^[0-1]$ ]]; then echo "First argument must be either 0 or 1. Received: $on_login" exit 1 fi export OMP_NUM_THREADS={nthreads} export OMP_NESTED=true pythoncm="$env $file --snapshot_path $snapshot_path --output_path $output_path --resolution $resolution --scratch_space $scratch_space --SPH_executable $SPH_executable --snapshot_kind $snapshot_kind" if [ $on_login -eq 1 ]; then echo $pythoncm $pythoncm else cm="addqueue -s -q $queue -n 1x$nthreads -m $memory $pythoncm" echo "Submitting:" echo $cm echo eval $cm fi