# Copyright (C) 2022 Richard Stiskalek # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ Utility functions for scripts. """ from datetime import datetime import numpy from tqdm import tqdm try: import csiborgtools except ModuleNotFoundError: import sys sys.path.append("../") import csiborgtools ############################################################################### # Reading functions # ############################################################################### def get_nsims(args, paths): """ Get simulation indices from the command line arguments. Parameters ---------- args : argparse.Namespace Command line arguments. Must include `nsims` and `simname`. If `nsims` is `None` or `-1`, all simulations in `simname` are used. paths : :py:class`csiborgtools.paths.Paths` Paths object. Returns ------- nsims : list of int Simulation indices. """ if args.nsims is None or args.nsims[0] == -1: nsims = paths.get_ics(args.simname) else: nsims = args.nsims return list(nsims) def read_single_catalogue(args, config, nsim, run, rmax, paths, nobs=None): """ Read a single halo catalogue and apply selection criteria to it. Parameters ---------- args : argparse.Namespace Command line arguments. Must include `simname`. config : dict Configuration dictionary. nsim : int Simulation index. run : str Run name. rmax : float Maximum radial distance of the halo catalogue. paths : csiborgtools.paths.Paths Paths object. nobs : int, optional Fiducial Quijote observer index. Returns ------- cat : csiborgtools.read.HaloCatalogue or csiborgtools.read.QuijoteHaloCatalogue # noqa Halo catalogue with selection criteria applied. """ selection = config.get(run, None) if selection is None: raise KeyError(f"No configuration for run {run}.") # We first read the full catalogue without applying any bounds. if args.simname == "csiborg": cat = csiborgtools.read.HaloCatalogue(nsim, paths) else: cat = csiborgtools.read.QuijoteHaloCatalogue(nsim, paths, nsnap=4) if nobs is not None: # We may optionally already here pick a fiducial observer. cat = cat.pick_fiducial_observer(nobs, args.Rmax) cat.apply_bounds({"dist": (0, rmax)}) # We then first read off the primary selection bounds. sel = selection["primary"] pname = None xs = sel["name"] if isinstance(sel["name"], list) else [sel["name"]] for _name in xs: if _name in cat.keys: pname = _name if pname is None: raise KeyError(f"Invalid names `{sel['name']}`.") cat.apply_bounds({pname: (sel.get("min", None), sel.get("max", None))}) # Now the secondary selection bounds. If needed transfrom the secondary # property before applying the bounds. if "secondary" in selection: sel = selection["secondary"] sname = None xs = sel["name"] if isinstance(sel["name"], list) else [sel["name"]] for _name in xs: if _name in cat.keys: sname = _name if sname is None: raise KeyError(f"Invalid names `{sel['name']}`.") if sel.get("toperm", False): cat[sname] = numpy.random.permutation(cat[sname]) if sel.get("marked", False): cat[sname] = csiborgtools.clustering.normalised_marks( cat[pname], cat[sname], nbins=config["nbins_marks"]) cat.apply_bounds({sname: (sel.get("min", None), sel.get("max", None))}) return cat def open_catalogues(args, config, paths, comm): """ Read all halo catalogues on the zeroth rank and broadcast them to all higher ranks. Parameters ---------- args : argparse.Namespace Command line arguments. config : dict Configuration dictionary. paths : csiborgtools.paths.Paths Paths object. comm : mpi4py.MPI.Comm MPI communicator. Returns ------- cats : dict Dictionary of halo catalogues. Keys are simulation indices, values are the catalogues. """ nsims = get_nsims(args, paths) rank = comm.Get_rank() nproc = comm.Get_size() if args.verbose and rank == 0: print(f"{datetime.now()}: opening catalogues.", flush=True) if rank == 0: cats = {} if args.simname == "csiborg": for nsim in tqdm(nsims) if args.verbose else nsims: cat = read_single_catalogue(args, config, nsim, args.run, rmax=args.Rmax, paths=paths) cats.update({nsim: cat}) else: for nsim in tqdm(nsims) if args.verbose else nsims: ref_cat = read_single_catalogue(args, config, nsim, args.run, rmax=None, paths=paths) nmax = int(ref_cat.box.boxsize // (2 * args.Rmax))**3 for nobs in range(nmax): name = paths.quijote_fiducial_nsim(nsim, nobs) cat = ref_cat.pick_fiducial_observer(nobs, rmax=args.Rmax) cats.update({name: cat}) if nproc > 1: for i in range(1, nproc): comm.send(cats, dest=i, tag=nproc + i) else: cats = comm.recv(source=0, tag=nproc + rank) return cats ############################################################################### # Clusters # ############################################################################### _coma = {"RA": (12 + 59 / 60 + 48.7 / 60**2) * 15, "DEC": 27 + 58 / 60 + 50 / 60**2, "COMDIST": 102.975} _virgo = {"RA": (12 + 27 / 60) * 15, "DEC": 12 + 43 / 60, "COMDIST": 16.5} specific_clusters = {"Coma": _coma, "Virgo": _virgo} ############################################################################### # Surveys # ############################################################################### class SDSS: @staticmethod def steps(cls): return [(lambda x: cls[x], ("IN_DR7_LSS",)), (lambda x: cls[x] < 17.6, ("ELPETRO_APPMAG_r", )), (lambda x: cls[x] < 155, ("DIST", )) ] def __call__(self): return csiborgtools.read.SDSS(h=1, sel_steps=self.steps)