Various column names Clump file columns: "index", "lev", "parent", "ncell", "peak_x", "peak_y", "peak_z", "rho-", "rho+", "rho_av", "mass_cl", "relevance" Mergertree file columns: "clump", "progenitor", "prog outputnr", "desc mass", "desc npart", "desc x", "desc y", "desc z", "desc vx", "desc vy", "desc vz" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The merger trees are stored in `output_XXXXX/mergertree_XXXXX.txtYYYYY` files. Each file contains 11 columns: * `clump`: clump ID of a clump at this output number * `progenitor`: the progenitor clump ID in output number "prog_outputnr" * `prog_outputnr`: the output number of when the progenitor was an alive clump * `desc mass`: mass of the current clump. * `desc npart`: number of particles of the current clump. * `desc x,y,z`: x, y, z position of current clump. * `desc vx, vy, vz`: x, y, z velocities of current clump. desc_mass and desc_npart will be either inclusive or exclusive, depending on how you set the `use_exclusive_mass` parameter. (See below for details) **How to read the output:** * A clump > 0 has progenitor > 0: Standard case. A direct progenitor from the adjacent previous snapshot was identified for this clump. * A clump > 0 has progenitor = 0: no progenitor could be established and the clump is treated as newly formed. * A clump > 0 has progenitor < 0: it means that no direct progenitor could be found in the adjacent previous snapshot, but a progenitor was identified from an earlier, non-adjacent snapshot. * A clump < 0 has progenitor > 0: this progenitor merged into this clump, but is not this clump's main progenitor. * A clump < 0 has progenitor < 0: this shouldn't happen. ### Visualisation `ramses/utils/py/` is a python 2 script to plot the merger trees as found by this patch. Details on options and usage are at the start of the script as a comment.