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synced 2025-03-09 14:30:53 +00:00
X-ray data (#9)
* add xray reading * add import * add more comments * add data * add nb * add MCXC shortcut * add match indxs to Planck of MCXC * add import * update TODO * update readme * add famous clusters * add 2mpp_groups * shorten paths * add 2M++ groups * add import * Update TODO
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 3350 additions and 21 deletions
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# CSiBORG tools
## :scroll: Short-term TODO
- [ ] Add half-mass radius and its corresponding concentration.
- [ ] Model the Planck SZ selection function.
- [x] Add the X-ray clusters
- [x] Match the X-ray clusters to Planck
- [ ] Calculate catalogues for all realisations.
- [ ] Implement Max's halo matching
## :hourglass: Long-term TODO
@ -12,4 +13,5 @@
- [ ] Calculate DM environmental properties.
## :bulb: Open questions
## :bulb: Open questions
- Completeness of clusters. Optical clusters catalogues are a bit of a mess..
@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ from .readsim import (get_csiborg_ids, get_sim_path, get_snapshots, # noqa
drop_zero_indx, # noqa
read_clumpid, read_clumps, read_mmain, # noqa
merge_mmain_to_clumps) # noqa
from .readobs import (read_planck2015, read_2mpp) # noqa
from .readobs import (read_planck2015, read_mcxc, read_2mpp, read_2mpp_groups, match_planck_to_mcxc) # noqa
from .outsim import (dump_split, combine_splits) # noqa
@ -18,11 +18,14 @@ Scripts to read in observation.
import numpy
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
from ..utils import (add_columns, cols_to_structured)
F64 = numpy.float64
def read_planck2015(fpath, dist_cosmo, max_comdist=None):
def read_planck2015(fpath, cosmo, max_comdist=None):
Read the Planck 2nd Sunyaev-Zeldovich source catalogue [1]. The following
is performed:
@ -34,22 +37,24 @@ def read_planck2015(fpath, dist_cosmo, max_comdist=None):
fpath : str
Path to the source catalogue.
dist_cosmo : `astropy.cosmology` object
The cosmology to calculate cluster comoving distance from redshift.
cosmo : `astropy.cosmology` object
The cosmology to calculate cluster comoving distance from redshift and
convert their mass.
max_comdist : float, optional
Maximum comoving distance threshold in units of :math:`\mathrm{MPc}`.
Maximum comoving distance threshold in units of :math:`\mathrm{Mpc}`.
By default `None` and no threshold is applied.
out : structured array
The catalogue structured array.
[1] https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/W3Browse/all/plancksz2.html
out : `astropy.io.fits.FITS_rec`
The catalogue structured array.
data = fits.open(fpath)[1].data
hdata = 0.7
# Convert FITS to a structured array
out = numpy.full(data.size, numpy.nan, dtype=data.dtype.descr)
for name in out.dtype.names:
@ -57,11 +62,12 @@ def read_planck2015(fpath, dist_cosmo, max_comdist=None):
# Take only clusters with redshifts
out = out[out["REDSHIFT"] >= 0]
# Add comoving distance
dist = dist_cosmo.comoving_distance(out["REDSHIFT"]).value
dist = cosmo.comoving_distance(out["REDSHIFT"]).value
out = add_columns(out, dist, "COMDIST")
# Convert masses
for par in ("MSZ", "MSZ_ERR_UP", "MSZ_ERR_LOW"):
out[par] *= 1e14
out[par] *= (hdata / cosmo.h)**2
# Distance threshold
if max_comdist is not None:
out = out[out["COMDIST"] < max_comdist]
@ -69,15 +75,81 @@ def read_planck2015(fpath, dist_cosmo, max_comdist=None):
return out
def read_mcxc(fpath, cosmo, max_comdist=None):
Read the MCXC Meta-Catalog of X-Ray Detected Clusters of Galaxies
catalogue [1], with data description at [2] and download at [3].
The exact mass conversion has non-trivial dependence on :math:`H(z)`, see
[1] for more details. However, this should be negligible.
fpath : str
Path to the source catalogue obtained from [3]. Expected to be the fits
cosmo : `astropy.cosmology` object
The cosmology to calculate cluster comoving distance from redshift and
convert their mass.
max_comdist : float, optional
Maximum comoving distance threshold in units of :math:`\mathrm{Mpc}`.
By default `None` and no threshold is applied.
out : structured array
The catalogue structured array.
[1] The MCXC: a meta-catalogue of x-ray detected clusters of galaxies
(2011); Piffaretti, R. ; Arnaud, M. ; Pratt, G. W. ; Pointecouteau,
E. ; Melin, J. -B.
[2] https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/W3Browse/rosat/mcxc.html
[3] https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/534/A109#/article
data = fits.open(fpath)[1].data
hdata = 0.7 # Little h of the catalogue
cols = [("RAdeg", F64), ("DEdeg", F64), ("z", F64),
("L500", F64), ("M500", F64), ("R500", F64)]
out = cols_to_structured(data.size, cols)
for col in cols:
par = col[0]
out[par] = data[par]
# Get little h units to match the cosmology
out["L500"] *= (hdata / cosmo.h)**2
out["M500"] *= (hdata / cosmo.h)**2
# Get the 10s back in
out["L500"] *= 1e44 # ergs/s
out["M500"] *= 1e14 # Msun
dist = cosmo.comoving_distance(data["z"]).value
out = add_columns(out, dist, "COMDIST")
out = add_columns(out, data["MCXC"], "name")
if max_comdist is not None:
out = out[out["COMDIST"] < max_comdist]
return out
def read_2mpp(fpath, dist_cosmo):
Read in the 2M++ galaxy redshift catalogue [1], with the catalogue at [2].
Removes fake galaxies used to fill the zone of avoidance.
Removes fake galaxies used to fill the zone of avoidance. Note that in
principle additional care should be taken for calculating the distance
to objects [3]. Currently calculated from the CMB redshift, so some
distance estimates may be negative..
fpath : str
File path to the catalogue.
cosmo : `astropy.cosmology` object
The cosmology to calculate distance from redshift.
@ -88,19 +160,104 @@ def read_2mpp(fpath, dist_cosmo):
[1] The 2M++ galaxy redshift catalogue; Lavaux, Guilhem, Hudson, Michael J.
[2] https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/MNRAS/416/2840#/article
[3] Improving NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database Redshift Calculations
(2021); Anthony Carr and Tamara Davis
from scipy.constants import c
# Read the catalogue and select non-fake galaxies
cat = numpy.genfromtxt(fpath, delimiter="|", )
cat = cat[cat[:, 12] == 0, :]
F64 = numpy.float64
cols = [("RA", F64), ("DEC", F64), ("Ksmag", F64), ("ZCMB", F64),
("CDIST_CMB", F64)]
("DIST", F64)]
out = cols_to_structured(cat.shape[0], cols)
out["RA"] = cat[:, 1]
out["DEC"] = cat[:, 2]
out["Ksmag"] = cat[:, 5]
out["ZCMB"] = cat[:, 7] / (c * 1e-3)
out["CDIST_CMB"] = dist_cosmo.comoving_distance(out["ZCMB"]).value
out["DIST"] = cat[:, 7] / dist_cosmo.H0
return out
def read_2mpp_groups(fpath, dist_cosmo):
Read in the 2M++ galaxy group catalogue [1], with the catalogue at [2].
Note that the same caveats apply to the distance calculation as in
py:function:`read_2mpp`. See that function for more details.
fpath : str
File path to the catalogue.
cosmo : `astropy.cosmology` object
The cosmology to calculate distance from redshift.
out : structured array
The catalogue.
[1] The 2M++ galaxy redshift catalogue; Lavaux, Guilhem, Hudson, Michael J.
[2] https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/MNRAS/416/2840#/article
[3] Improving NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database Redshift Calculations
(2021); Anthony Carr and Tamara Davis
cat = numpy.genfromtxt(fpath, delimiter="|", )
cols = [("RA", F64), ("DEC", F64), ("K2mag", F64), ("Rich", numpy.int64),
("dist", F64), ("sigma", F64)]
out = cols_to_structured(cat.shape[0], cols)
out["K2mag"] = cat[:, 3]
out["Rich"] = cat[:, 4]
out["sigma"] = cat[:, 7]
out["dist"] = cat[:, 6] / dist_cosmo.H0
# Convert galactic coordinates to RA, dec
glon = cat[:, 1]
glat = cat[:, 2]
coords = SkyCoord(l=glon*u.degree, b=glat*u.degree, frame='galactic')
coords = coords.transform_to("icrs")
out["RA"] = coords.ra
out["DEC"] = coords.dec
return out
def match_planck_to_mcxc(planck, mcxc):
Return the MCXC catalogue indices of the Planck catalogue detections. Finds
the index of the quoted Planck MCXC counterpart in the MCXC array. If not
found throws an error. For this reason it may be better to make sure the
MCXC catalogue reaches further.
planck : structured array
The Planck cluster array.
mcxc : structured array
The MCXC cluster array.
indxs : 1-dimensional array
The array of MCXC indices to match the Planck array. If no counterpart
is found returns `numpy.nan`.
# Planck MCXC need to be decoded to str
planck_names = [name.decode() for name in planck["MCXC"]]
mcxc_names = [name for name in mcxc["name"]]
indxs = [numpy.nan] * len(planck_names)
for i, name in enumerate(planck_names):
if name == "":
if name in mcxc_names:
indxs[i] = mcxc_names.index(name)
raise ValueError("Planck MCXC identifies `{}` not found in the "
"MCXC catalogue.".format(name))
return indxs
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -32,6 +32,18 @@ Nsplits = 200
dumpdir = "/mnt/extraspace/rstiskalek/csiborg/"
# Some chosen clusters
_coma = {"RA": (12 + 59/60 + 48.7 / 60**2) * 15,
"DEC": 27 + 58 / 60 + 50 / 60**2,
"COMDIST": 102.975}
_virgo = {"RA": (12 + 27 / 60) * 15,
"DEC": 12 + 43/60,
"COMDIST": 16.5}
specific_clusters = {"Coma": _coma, "Virgo": _virgo}
def load_processed(Nsim, Nsnap):
simpath = csiborgtools.io.get_sim_path(Nsim)
outfname = join(
@ -60,11 +72,22 @@ def load_processed(Nsim, Nsnap):
def load_planck2015(max_comdist=214):
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70.5, Om0=0.307, Tcmb0=2.728)
fpath = ("/mnt/zfsusers/rstiskalek/csiborgtools/"
+ "data/HFI_PCCS_SZ-union_R2.08.fits")
fpath = "../data/HFI_PCCS_SZ-union_R2.08.fits"
return csiborgtools.io.read_planck2015(fpath, cosmo, max_comdist)
def load_mcxc(max_comdist=214):
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70.5, Om0=0.307, Tcmb0=2.728)
fpath = ("../data/mcxc.fits")
return csiborgtools.io.read_mcxc(fpath, cosmo, max_comdist)
def load_2mpp():
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70.5, Om0=0.307, Tcmb0=2.728)
return csiborgtools.io.read_2mpp("../data/2M++_galaxy_catalog.dat", cosmo)
def load_2mpp_groups():
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70.5, Om0=0.307, Tcmb0=2.728)
return csiborgtools.io.read_2mpp_groups(
"../data/../data/2M++_group_catalog.dat", cosmo)
Add table
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