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ARES/HADES/BORG Package -- ./libLSS/tools/itertools.hpp
Copyright (C) 2019 Guilhem Lavaux <>
Additional contributions from:
Guilhem Lavaux <> (2023)
#include <boost/iterator/counting_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/zip_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
namespace LibLSS {
namespace itertools {
template <typename I>
auto enumerate_base(size_t i, I j) -> decltype(boost::make_zip_iterator(
boost::make_tuple(boost::counting_iterator<size_t>(i), j))) {
return boost::make_zip_iterator(
boost::make_tuple(boost::counting_iterator<size_t>(i), j));
template <typename T>
struct Enumerate {
T const &t;
Enumerate(T const &t_) : t(t_) {}
auto begin() const -> decltype(enumerate_base(0, t.begin())) {
return enumerate_base(0, t.begin());
auto end() const -> decltype(enumerate_base(t.size(), t.end())) {
return enumerate_base(t.size(), t.end());
struct Range {
size_t i0, i1;
Range(size_t i0_, size_t i1_) : i0(i0_), i1(i1_) {}
auto begin() const -> decltype(boost::counting_iterator<size_t>(i0)) {
return boost::counting_iterator<size_t>(i0);
auto end() const -> decltype(boost::counting_iterator<size_t>(i1)) {
return boost::counting_iterator<size_t>(i1);
* This function creates a pseudo container (range container) over
* which one can iterate upon.
* A typical use is:
* <code>
* for (size_t id: range(0, N)) { blabla; }
* </code>
* @param i0 start of the range
* @param i1 end of the range
* @return a container
inline Range range(size_t i0, size_t i1) { return Range(i0, i1); }
* This function creates a pseudo container made of a zip iterator binding
* a range and an iterator over the provided container.
* A typical use is:
* <code>
* for (auto x: enumerate(some_vector)) {
* size_t id = x.get<0>();
* // Some stuff
* the_type_in_vector const& v = x.get<1>();
* }
* </code>
* @param t a container
* @return a container with an enumeration
template <typename T>
inline Enumerate<T> enumerate(T const &t) {
return Enumerate<T>(t);
} // namespace itertools
} // namespace LibLSS
// ARES TAG: authors_num = 1
// ARES TAG: name(0) = Guilhem Lavaux
// ARES TAG: email(0) =
// ARES TAG: year(0) = 2019