2023-05-29 10:41:03 +02:00

322 lines
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ARES/HADES/BORG Package -- ./libLSS/tools/fusewrapper.hpp
Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Guilhem Lavaux <>
Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Jens Jasche <>
Additional contributions from:
Guilhem Lavaux <> (2023)
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/core/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_scalar.hpp>
#include "libLSS/tools/fused_array.hpp"
#include "libLSS/tools/fused_assign.hpp"
#include "libLSS/tools/phoenix_vars.hpp"
#include <boost/phoenix/operator.hpp>
#include "libLSS/tools/fused_reduce.hpp"
#include "libLSS/tools/fused_cond.hpp"
#include <boost/tti/has_type.hpp>
#include <boost/tti/has_member_function.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/logical.hpp>
#include "libLSS/tools/array_concepts.hpp"
#include <CosmoTool/algo.hpp>
#include "libLSS/tools/uninitialized_type.hpp"
namespace LibLSS {
namespace FuseWrapper_detail {
using LibLSS::array_concepts::is_array_like;
using LibLSS::array_concepts::is_array_storage;
using LibLSS::array_concepts::is_array_sub;
using LibLSS::array_concepts::is_array_view;
using LibLSS::array_concepts::is_callable;
template <typename Array, bool copy>
struct Wrapper;
template <
typename Array,
typename U = typename std::remove_reference<Array>::type>
Wrapper<U, true> fwrap_(Array &&a, std::true_type);
template <
typename Array,
typename U = typename std::remove_reference<Array>::type>
Wrapper<U, false> fwrap_(Array &&a, std::false_type);
template <typename T, size_t Nd, typename Allocator>
auto fwrap(UninitializedAllocation<T, Nd, Allocator> &a) {
return fwrap_(a.get_array(), std::false_type());
template <
typename Array,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
is_array_like<typename std::remove_reference<Array>::type>::value,
auto fwrap(Array &&a) {
return fwrap_(
std::forward<Array>(a), std::is_rvalue_reference<Array &&>());
template <typename A, bool copy>
struct CopyType;
template <typename A>
struct CopyType<A, true> {
typedef A type;
typedef A const_type;
template <typename A>
struct CopyType<A, false> {
typedef A &type;
typedef A const &const_type;
template <typename T>
struct constantFunctor {
T value;
constantFunctor(T v) : value(v) {}
template <typename... Args>
T const &operator()(Args &&... a) const {
return value;
template <typename F>
struct singleFunctor {
typedef std::result_of<F()> Result;
F f;
singleFunctor() {}
singleFunctor(F f_) : f(f_) {}
template <typename... Args>
Result operator()(Args &&... a) const {
return f();
template <typename Array, bool copy>
struct Wrapper {
typedef Array array_t;
typedef typename CopyType<Array, copy>::type WType;
typedef typename CopyType<Array, copy>::const_type WTypeConst;
WType a;
bool parallel;
explicit Wrapper(Array &a_) : a(a_), parallel(true) {}
explicit Wrapper(Array &&a_) : a(a_), parallel(true) {}
template <typename T, size_t Nd, typename Allocator>
static inline auto
fautowrap(UninitializedAllocation<T, Nd, Allocator> &a) {
return Wrapper(a.get_array());
Array &operator*() { return a; }
Array const &operator*() const { return a; }
Array *operator->() { return &a; }
Array const *operator->() const { return &a; }
Wrapper no_parallel() const {
auto b = *this;
b.parallel = false;
return b;
// This auxiliary function creates a perfect
// forwarding of the required encapsulation of the array.
// If a copy is needed to ensure the object is long lived
// enough, then WType is the full Array object.
// Otherwise, it will be a reference on the original object.
// Thus a receiving function will get either a lvalue-ref or an rvalue-ref
// depending on the need.
WType forward_wrap() { return a; }
WTypeConst forward_wrap() const { return a; }
template <typename Array2, bool B2>
static inline typename Wrapper<Array2, B2>::WType const
fautowrap(const Wrapper<Array2, B2> &other) {
return other.a;
template <typename Array2, typename U = Array2>
static inline
typename std::enable_if<is_array_like<Array2>::value, U>::type const &
fautowrap(Array2 const &other) {
return other;
// Intel 17.2 C++ compiler crashes without those
template <typename ValueType, size_t N>
struct wrapconst {
typedef decltype(b_va_fused<ValueType, N>(
constantFunctor<ValueType>(ValueType(0)))) Result;
static inline Result wrap(ValueType value) {
return (b_va_fused<ValueType, N>(constantFunctor<ValueType>(value)));
template <typename ValueType, size_t N, typename Operator>
struct wrapfunc {
typedef decltype(
b_va_fused<ValueType, N>(singleFunctor<Operator>())) Result;
static inline Result wrap(Operator op) {
return (b_va_fused<ValueType, N>(singleFunctor<Operator>(op)));
template <typename ValueType, typename U = ValueType>
static inline typename std::enable_if<
(boost::is_arithmetic<ValueType>::value ||
array_concepts::is_complex_type<ValueType>::value) &&
wrapconst<U, Array::dimensionality>>::type::Result
fautowrap(ValueType other) {
return wrapconst<ValueType, Array::dimensionality>::wrap(other);
template <typename F, typename U = F>
static inline typename boost::enable_if<
wrapfunc<typename Array::element, Array::dimensionality, U>>::type::
fautowrap(F other) {
return wrapfunc<
typename Array::element, Array::dimensionality, F>::wrap(other);
typename Array::element sum() const {
return LibLSS::reduce_sum<typename Array::element>(a, parallel);
typename Array::element min() const {
return LibLSS::reduce_min<typename Array::element>(a, parallel);
typename Array::element max() const {
return LibLSS::reduce_max<typename Array::element>(a, parallel);
template <typename ArrayTo>
Wrapper<Array, copy> const &copy_to(ArrayTo &to) const {
LibLSS::copy_array(to, a, to.parallel);
return *this;
Wrapper<Array, copy> &operator=(Wrapper<Array, copy> &other) {
return operator=((Wrapper<Array, copy> const &)other);
template <typename Wrap2, typename A = Array>
inline Wrapper<Array, copy> &operator=(Wrap2 const &other) {
is_array_storage<A>::value || is_array_view<A>::value ||
"The wrapped array is likely a pure expression. Impossible to "
LibLSS::copy_array(a, fautowrap(other), parallel);
return *this;
} // namespace FuseWrapper_detail
} // namespace LibLSS
#include "libLSS/tools/fuse/operators.hpp"
namespace LibLSS {
using FuseWrapper_detail::fwrap;
using FuseWrapper_detail::is_wrapper;
template <
size_t exponent, typename T,
typename = typename boost::enable_if<
boost::is_scalar<typename boost::remove_reference<T>::type>>::type>
auto ipow(T &&t) {
return CosmoTool::spower<
exponent, typename boost::remove_reference<T>::type>(t);
template <size_t N, typename T>
struct _spower_helper {
typedef decltype(CosmoTool::spower<N, T>(T(0))) Return;
inline Return operator()(T a) const { return CosmoTool::spower<N, T>(a); }
template <size_t exponent, typename Array, bool copy>
auto ipow(LibLSS::FuseWrapper_detail::Wrapper<Array, copy> wrap) {
return fwrap(
typename _spower_helper<exponent, typename Array::element>::Return>(
_spower_helper<exponent, typename Array::element>(),
std::forward<typename LibLSS::FuseWrapper_detail::Wrapper<
Array, copy>::WType>(wrap.a)));
template <typename T, size_t Nd, typename ExtentType>
auto ones(ExtentType e) {
return fwrap(b_fused_idx<T, Nd>([](auto... x) { return T(1); }, e));
template <typename T, size_t Nd, typename ExtentType>
auto zero(ExtentType e) {
return fwrap(b_fused_idx<T, Nd>([](auto... x) { return T(0); }, e));
template <typename T, size_t Nd, typename ExtentType>
auto constant(T value, ExtentType e) {
return fwrap(
b_fused_idx<T, Nd>([value](auto... x) { return T(value); }, e));
template <typename Array1, typename Array2, bool copy1, bool copy2>
auto make_complex(
LibLSS::FuseWrapper_detail::Wrapper<Array1, copy1> wrap_re,
LibLSS::FuseWrapper_detail::Wrapper<Array2, copy2> wrap_im) {
std::is_same<typename Array1::element, typename Array2::element>::value,
"The two array have different base type");
typedef typename Array1::element element;
return fwrap(b_va_fused<std::complex<element>>(
[](element const &a, element const &b) {
return std::complex<element>(a, b);
typename LibLSS::FuseWrapper_detail::Wrapper<Array1, copy1>::WType>(
typename LibLSS::FuseWrapper_detail::Wrapper<Array2, copy2>::WType>(
template <
typename ArrayM, bool copyM, typename Array1, bool copy1, typename Array2,
bool copy2>
auto mask(
LibLSS::FuseWrapper_detail::Wrapper<ArrayM, copyM> wrap_mask,
LibLSS::FuseWrapper_detail::Wrapper<Array1, copy1> array1,
LibLSS::FuseWrapper_detail::Wrapper<Array2, copy2> array2) {
return fwrap(b_cond_fused<typename Array1::element>(
wrap_mask.forward_wrap(), array1.forward_wrap(),
} // namespace LibLSS