2023-05-29 10:41:03 +02:00

175 lines
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ARES/HADES/BORG Package -- ./libLSS/data/window3d.hpp
Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Guilhem Lavaux <>
Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Jens Jasche <>
Additional contributions from:
Guilhem Lavaux <> (2023)
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include "libLSS/mpi/generic_mpi.hpp"
#include "libLSS/tools/openmp.hpp"
#include "libLSS/samplers/rgen/gsl_miser.hpp"
#include <CosmoTool/algo.hpp>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <numeric>
#include <cmath>
namespace LibLSS {
namespace internalWindow {
template<typename SelFunction3d>
double selectionValue(double *k, const SelFunction3d& selfunc) {
double r = std::sqrt(k[0]*k[0]+k[1]*k[1]+k[2]*k[2]);
return selfunc.get_sky_completeness(k[0]/r, k[1]/r, k[2]/r) * selfunc.getRadialSelection(r, 0);
template<typename SelFunction3d>
double selectionValue_just_sky(double *k, const SelFunction3d& selfunc) {
return selfunc.get_sky_completeness(k[0], k[1], k[2]);
template<typename RandomNum, typename SelFunction3d, typename SelFuncMask, typename Dimension>
void compute_window_value_elem(
MPI_Communication *comm,
RandomNum& rng,
const SelFunction3d& selfunc,
SelFuncMask& selfuncData,
const Dimension& L,
const Dimension& d,
const Dimension& xmin, bool filter_mask,
double precision = 0.01)
using boost::str;
using boost::format;
Console& cons = Console::instance();
boost::multi_array<int,1> count_elements(boost::extents[LibLSS::smp_get_max_threads()]);
size_t startN0 = selfuncData.index_bases()[0];
size_t localN0 = selfuncData.shape()[0], N1 = selfuncData.shape()[1], N2 = selfuncData.shape()[2];
double d0=d[0];
double d1=d[1];
double d2=d[2];
double xmin0 = xmin[0];
double xmin1 = xmin[1];
double xmin2 = xmin[2];
size_t N0 = L[0]/d0; // This is HACK
double refVolume = CosmoTool::square(precision/0.01)*CosmoTool::cube(3); // Ref is 3 Mpc,
size_t calls = 10 + size_t(1000 * (d0*d1*d2 / refVolume));
Progress<LOG_STD>& p = cons.start_progress<LOG_STD>("3D Window", localN0*N1*N2, 2);
format("Use a tolerance of %g on window function integral / calls = %d")
% precision % calls);
std::fill(count_elements.begin(), count_elements.end(), 0);
long job_start = startN0*N1*N2;
long job_end = (startN0+localN0)*N1*N2;
format("Window computation, MPI job_start=%ld job_end=%ld") % job_start % job_end
format("Max threads = %d, ID = %d") % LibLSS::smp_get_max_threads() % LibLSS::smp_get_thread_id());
format("d=[%g,%g,%g], L=[%g,%g,%g]") % d[0] % d[1] % d[2] % L[0] % L[1] % L[2]
double dV = d0*d1*d2;
typedef boost::multi_array_types::extent_range range;
boost::multi_array<bool,3> dummy(boost::extents[range(startN0,startN0+localN0)][N1][N2]);
boost::multi_array<double,3> all_err(boost::extents[range(startN0,startN0+localN0)][N1][N2]);
double mask_th = 0.5; //the voxel should have been observed at least to 50 percent
#pragma omp parallel
GSL_Miser miser(3);
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,100)
for(size_t i=job_start;i<job_end;i++) {
///get 3d indices
size_t ii=(size_t) (i/N1/N2);
size_t jj=(size_t) (i/N2 - ii *N1);
size_t kk=(size_t) (i-jj*N2-ii*N2*N1);
x = double(ii)*d0+xmin0,
y = double(jj)*d1+xmin1,
z = double(kk)*d2+xmin2;
double err;
boost::array<double, 3> xl{x - 0.5*d0, y-0.5*d1, z-0.5*d2};
boost::array<double, 3> xu{x + 0.5*d0, y + 0.5*d1, z + 0.5*d2};
//here we do a pre-run, where we project the sky completeness into 3d
double auxval;
if (filter_mask) {
auxval = miser.integrate(rng,
std::bind(&internalWindow::selectionValue_just_sky<SelFunction3d>, std::placeholders::_1, std::cref(selfunc)),
xl, xu, calls, err) / (dV);
} else {
auxval = mask_th*2;
//avoid double calculations for uninteresting mask regions
if(auxval > mask_th) {
selfuncData[ii][jj][kk] =
std::bind(&internalWindow::selectionValue<SelFunction3d>, std::placeholders::_1, std::cref(selfunc)),
xl, xu, calls, err) / (dV);
all_err[ii][jj][kk] = err;
} else {
selfuncData[ii][jj][kk] = 0.;
assert(LibLSS::smp_get_thread_id() < LibLSS::smp_get_max_threads());
if (LibLSS::smp_get_thread_id() == 0) {
int done = std::accumulate(count_elements.begin(), count_elements.end(), 0);
if (false)
H5::H5File f("window_err.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
CosmoTool::hdf5_write_array(f, "errors", all_err);
CosmoTool::hdf5_write_array(f, "sel", selfuncData);
///now delete from mask
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(3)
for (size_t n0 = startN0; n0 < startN0+localN0; n0++) {
for (size_t n1 = 0; n1 < N1; n1++) {
for (size_t n2 = 0; n2 < N2; n2++) {
selfuncData[n0][n1][n2] = 0.;