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2023-05-29 10:41:03 +02:00
ARES/HADES/BORG Package -- ./libLSS/mcmc/global_state.hpp
Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Guilhem Lavaux <>
Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Jens Jasche <>
Additional contributions from:
Guilhem Lavaux <> (2023)
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <set>
#include <typeindex>
#include <algorithm>
#include "libLSS/mpi/generic_mpi.hpp"
#include "libLSS/tools/console.hpp"
#include "libLSS/mcmc/state_element.hpp"
namespace LibLSS {
* @brief This is the class that manages the dictionnary that is saved in each MCMC/Restart file.
* It is *not* copy-constructible.
class MarkovState {
typedef std::map<std::string, bool> SaveMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, StateElement *> StateMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::type_index> TypeMap;
typedef std::set<std::string> Requirements;
SaveMap save_map;
StateMap state_map, toProcess;
TypeMap type_map;
std::list<std::tuple<Requirements, std::function<void()>>> postLoad;
std::set<std::string> loaded;
MarkovState(MarkovState const &) = delete;
* @brief Construct a new empty Markov State object.
MarkovState() {}
* @brief Destroy the Markov State object.
* All the elements stored in the dictionnary will be destroyed, as the ownership
* is given the dictionnary implicitly when the element is added to it.
~MarkovState() {
for (StateMap::iterator i = state_map.begin(); i != state_map.end();
++i) {
boost::format("Destroying %s") % i->first);
delete i->second;
template <typename T>
static void check_class() {
(boost::is_base_of<StateElement, T>::value), T_is_not_a_StateElement,
* @brief Function to access by its name an element stored in the dictionnary.
* This function makes a lookup and a dynamic cast to the specified template "StateElement".
* It tries to find the indicated state element by name. If it fails an error is thrown.
* A dynamic cast is then issued to ensure that the stored type is the same as the requested one.
* @tparam T type of the element, cast will be checked
* @param name string id of the element
* @return T* pointer to the element
template <typename T>
T *get(const std::string &name) {
StateMap::iterator i = state_map.find(name);
if (i == state_map.end() || i->second == 0) {
boost::format("Invalid access to %s") % name);
T *ptr = dynamic_cast<T *>(i->second);
if (ptr == 0) {
boost::format("Bad cast in access to %s") % name);
return ptr;
* @brief Access using a boost::format object.
* @tparam T
* @param f
* @return T*
template <typename T>
T *get(const boost::format &f) {
return get<T>(f.str());
static void _format_expansion(boost::format &f) {}
template <typename A, typename... U>
static void _format_expansion(boost::format &f, A &&a, U &&... u) {
_format_expansion(f % a, u...);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
T *formatGet(std::string const &s, Args &&... args) {
boost::format f(s);
_format_expansion(f, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return get<T>(f);
template <typename T>
const T *get(const boost::format &f) const {
return get<T>(f.str());
template <typename T>
const T *get(const std::string &name) const {
StateMap::const_iterator i = state_map.find(name);
if (i == state_map.end() || i->second == 0) {
boost::format("Invalid access to %s") % name);
const T *ptr = dynamic_cast<const T *>(i->second);
if (ptr == 0) {
boost::format("Bad cast in access to %s") % name);
return ptr;
* @brief Check existence of an element in the dictionnary.
* @param name string id of the element
* @return true if it exists
* @return false if it does not exist
bool exists(const std::string &name) const {
return state_map.find(name) != state_map.end();
* @brief Access an element through operator [] overload.
* @param name
* @return StateElement&
StateElement &operator[](const std::string &name) {
return *get<StateElement>(name);
const StateElement &operator[](const std::string &name) const {
return *get<StateElement>(name);
std::type_index getStoredType(const std::string &name) const {
auto iter = type_map.find(name);
if (iter == type_map.end())
"Unknown entry " + name + " during type query");
return iter->second;
* @brief Add an element in the dictionnary.
* @param name string id of the new element
* @param elt Object to add in the dictionnary. The ownership is transferred to MarkovState.
* @param write_to_snapshot indicate, if true, that the element has to be written in mcmc files
* @return StateElement* the same object as "elt", used to daisy chain calls.
template <typename T>
T *newElement(
const std::string &name, T *elt,
const bool &write_to_snapshot = false) {
std::is_base_of<StateElement, T>::value,
"newElement accepts only StateElement based objects");
state_map[name] = elt;
type_map.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::type_index>(
name, std::type_index(typeid(T))));
toProcess[name] = elt;
elt->name = name;
set_save_in_snapshot(name, write_to_snapshot);
return elt;
* @brief Add an element in the dictionnary.
* @param f boost::format object used to build the string-id
* @param elt Object to add in the dictionnary. The ownership is transferred to MarkovState.
* @param write_to_snapshot indicate, if true, that the element has to be written in mcmc files
* @return StateElement* the same object as "elt", used to daisy chain calls.
template <typename T>
T *newElement(
const boost::format &f, T *elt, const bool &write_to_snapshot = false) {
return newElement(f.str(), elt, write_to_snapshot);
* @brief Get the content of a series of variables into a static array
* That function is an helper to retrieve the value of a series "variable0",
* "variable1", ..., "variableQ" of ScalarElement of type Scalar (with Q=N-1).
* Such a case is for the length:
* @code
* double L[3];
* state.getScalarArray<double, 3>("L", L);
* @endcode
* This will retrieve L0, L1 and L2 and store their value (double float) in
* L[0], L[1], L2].
* @tparam Scalar inner type of the variable to be retrieved in the dictionnary
* @tparam N number of elements
* @param prefix prefix for these variables
* @param scalars output scalar array
template <typename Scalar, size_t N, typename ScalarArray>
void getScalarArray(const std::string &prefix, ScalarArray &&scalars) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
scalars[i] = getScalar<Scalar>(prefix + std::to_string(i));
template <typename Scalar>
Scalar &getSyncScalar(const std::string &name) {
return this->template get<SyncableScalarStateElement<Scalar>>(name)
template <typename Scalar>
Scalar &getSyncScalar(const boost::format &name) {
return this->template getSyncScalar<Scalar>(name.str());
* @brief Get the value of a scalar object.
* @tparam Scalar
* @param name
* @return Scalar&
template <typename Scalar>
Scalar &getScalar(const std::string &name) {
return this->template get<ScalarStateElement<Scalar>>(name)->value;
template <typename Scalar>
Scalar &getScalar(const boost::format &name) {
return this->template getScalar<Scalar>(name.str());
template <typename Scalar, typename... U>
Scalar &formatGetScalar(std::string const &name, U &&... u) {
return this
->template formatGet<ScalarStateElement<Scalar>>(
name, std::forward<U>(u)...)
template <typename Scalar>
ScalarStateElement<Scalar> *newScalar(
const std::string &name, Scalar x,
const bool &write_to_snapshot = false) {
ScalarStateElement<Scalar> *elt = new ScalarStateElement<Scalar>();
elt->value = x;
newElement(name, elt, write_to_snapshot);
return elt;
template <typename Scalar>
ScalarStateElement<Scalar> *newScalar(
const boost::format &name, Scalar x,
const bool &write_to_snapshot = false) {
return this->newScalar(name.str(), x, write_to_snapshot);
template <typename Scalar>
SyncableScalarStateElement<Scalar> *newSyScalar(
const std::string &name, Scalar x,
const bool &write_to_snapshot = false) {
SyncableScalarStateElement<Scalar> *elt =
new SyncableScalarStateElement<Scalar>();
elt->value = x;
newElement(name, elt, write_to_snapshot);
return elt;
template <typename Scalar>
SyncableScalarStateElement<Scalar> *newSyScalar(
const boost::format &name, Scalar x,
const bool &write_to_snapshot = false) {
return this->newSyScalar(name.str(), x, write_to_snapshot);
void mpiSync(MPI_Communication &comm, int root = 0) {
namespace ph = std::placeholders;
for (StateMap::iterator i = state_map.begin(); i != state_map.end();
++i) {
&MPI_Communication::broadcast, comm, ph::_1, ph::_2, ph::_3, root));
void set_save_in_snapshot(const std::string &name, const bool save) {
save_map[name] = save;
void set_save_in_snapshot(const boost::format &name, const bool save) {
set_save_in_snapshot(name.str(), save);
bool get_save_in_snapshot(const std::string &name) {
SaveMap::const_iterator i = save_map.find(name);
if (i == save_map.end()) {
boost::format("Invalid access to %s") % name);
return i->second;
bool get_save_in_snapshot(const boost::format &name) {
return get_save_in_snapshot(name.str());
* @brief Save the full content of the dictionnary into the indicated HDF5 group.
* @param fg HDF5 group/file to save the state in.
void saveState(H5_CommonFileGroup &fg) {
ConsoleContext<LOG_DEBUG> ctx("saveState");
H5::Group g_scalar = fg.createGroup("scalars");
for (auto &&i : state_map) {
ctx.print("Saving " + i.first);
if (i.second->isScalar())
else {
H5::Group g = fg.createGroup(i.first);
* @brief Save the full content of the dictionnary into the indicated HDF5 group.
* This is the MPI parallel variant.
* @param fg HDF5 group/file to save the state in.
void mpiSaveState(
std::shared_ptr<H5_CommonFileGroup> fg, MPI_Communication *comm,
bool reassembly, const bool write_snapshot = false) {
ConsoleContext<LOG_VERBOSE> ctx("mpiSaveState");
H5::Group g_scalar;
boost::optional<H5_CommonFileGroup &> g_scalar_opt;
if (fg) {
g_scalar = fg->createGroup("scalars");
g_scalar_opt = g_scalar;
for (auto &&i : state_map) {
if (write_snapshot && (!get_save_in_snapshot(i.first))) {
ctx.print("Skip saving " + i.first);
ctx.print("Saving " + i.first);
if (i.second->isScalar())
i.second->saveTo(g_scalar_opt, comm, reassembly);
else {
H5::Group g;
boost::optional<H5_CommonFileGroup &> g_opt;
if (fg) {
g = fg->createGroup(i.first);
g_opt = g;
i.second->saveTo(g_opt, comm, reassembly);
void restoreStateWithFailure(H5_CommonFileGroup &fg) {
Console &cons = Console::instance();
H5::Group g_scalar = fg.openGroup("scalars");
for (StateMap::iterator i = state_map.begin(); i != state_map.end();
++i) {
cons.print<LOG_VERBOSE>("Attempting to restore " + i->first);
#if H5_VERSION_GE(1, 10, 1)
if (!g_scalar.nameExists(i->first)) {
cons.print<LOG_WARNING>("Failure to restore");
if (i->second->isScalar())
// Partial is only valid for 'scalar' types.
i->second->loadFrom(g_scalar, false);
else {
H5::Group g = fg.openGroup(i->first);
// Function to launch another function once all indicated requirements have been loaded from the
// restart file.
void subscribePostRestore(
Requirements const &requirements, std::function<void()> f) {
if (std::includes(
requirements.begin(), requirements.end(), loaded.begin(),
loaded.end())) {
postLoad.push_back(std::make_tuple(requirements, f));
void triggerPostRestore(std::string const &n) {
auto i = postLoad.begin();
while (i != postLoad.end()) {
auto const &req = std::get<0>(*i);
if (!std::includes(
req.begin(), req.end(), loaded.begin(), loaded.end())) {
std::get<1> (*i)();
auto j = i;
i = j;
void restoreState(
H5_CommonFileGroup &fg, bool partial = false, bool loadSnapshot = false,
bool acceptFailure = false) {
Console &cons = Console::instance();
H5::Group g_scalar = fg.openGroup("scalars");
StateMap currentMap = state_map; // Protect against online modifications
do {
for (StateMap::iterator i = currentMap.begin(); i != currentMap.end();
++i) {
if (loadSnapshot && !get_save_in_snapshot(i->first))
cons.print<LOG_VERBOSE>("Restoring " + i->first);
#if H5_VERSION_GE(1, 10, 1)
if (acceptFailure && !g_scalar.nameExists(i->first)) {
cons.print<LOG_WARNING>("Failure to restore. Skipping.");
if (i->second->isScalar())
// Partial is only valid for 'scalar' types.
i->second->loadFrom(g_scalar, partial);
else {
auto g = fg.openGroup(i->first);
currentMap = toProcess;
} while (currentMap.size() > 0);
// Clear up all pending
if (postLoad.size() > 0) {
cons.print<LOG_ERROR>("Some post-restore triggers were not executed.");
/** @example example_markov_state.cpp
* This is an example of how to use the MarkovState class.
}; // namespace LibLSS