import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def plot_fields(fields_dict, sum_over=None): """ Plots sum projections of 3D fields along different axes, slicing only the first `sum_over` elements along each axis. Args: - fields: list of 3D arrays representing fields to plot - names: list of names for each field, used in titles - sum_over: number of slices to sum along each axis (default: fields[0].shape[0] // 8) """ sum_over = sum_over or list(fields_dict.values())[0].shape[0] // 8 nb_rows = len(fields_dict) nb_cols = 3 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nb_rows, nb_cols, figsize=(15, 5 * nb_rows)) def plot_subplots(proj_axis, field, row, title): slicing = [slice(None)] * field.ndim slicing[proj_axis] = slice(None, sum_over) slicing = tuple(slicing) # Sum projection over the specified axis and plot axes[row, proj_axis].imshow( field[slicing].sum(axis=proj_axis) + 1, cmap='magma', extent=[0, field.shape[proj_axis], 0, field.shape[proj_axis]]) axes[row, proj_axis].set_xlabel('Mpc/h') axes[row, proj_axis].set_ylabel('Mpc/h') axes[row, proj_axis].set_title(title) # Plot each field across the three axes for i, (name, field) in enumerate(fields_dict.items()): for proj_axis in range(3): plot_subplots(proj_axis, field, i, f"{name} projection {proj_axis}") plt.tight_layout() def plot_fields_single_projection(fields_dict, sum_over=None, project_axis=0, vmin=None, vmax=None, colorbar=False): """ Plots a single projection (along axis 0) of 3D fields in a grid, summing over the first `sum_over` elements along the 0-axis, with 4 images per row. Args: - fields_dict: dictionary where keys are field names and values are 3D arrays - sum_over: number of slices to sum along the projection axis (default: fields[0].shape[0] // 8) """ sum_over = sum_over or list(fields_dict.values())[0].shape[0] // 8 nb_fields = len(fields_dict) nb_cols = 4 # Set number of images per row nb_rows = (nb_fields + nb_cols - 1) // nb_cols # Calculate required rows fig, axes = plt.subplots(nb_rows, nb_cols, figsize=(5 * nb_cols, 5 * nb_rows)) axes = np.atleast_2d(axes) # Ensure axes is always a 2D array for i, (name, field) in enumerate(fields_dict.items()): row, col = divmod(i, nb_cols) # Define the slice for the 0-axis projection slicing = [slice(None)] * field.ndim slicing[project_axis] = slice(None, sum_over) slicing = tuple(slicing) # Sum projection over axis 0 and plot a = axes[row, col].imshow(field[slicing].sum(axis=project_axis) + 1, cmap='magma', extent=[0, field.shape[1], 0, field.shape[2]], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) axes[row, col].set_xlabel('Mpc/h') axes[row, col].set_ylabel('Mpc/h') axes[row, col].set_title(f"{name} projection 0") if colorbar: fig.colorbar(a, ax=axes[row, col], shrink=0.7) # Remove any empty subplots for j in range(i + 1, nb_rows * nb_cols): fig.delaxes(axes.flatten()[j]) plt.tight_layout() def stack_slices(array): """ Stacks 2D slices of an array into a single array based on provided partition dimensions. Args: - array_slices: a 2D list of array slices (list of lists format) where array_slices[i][j] is the slice located at row i, column j in the grid. - pdims: a tuple representing the grid dimensions (rows, columns). Returns: - A single array constructed by stacking the slices. """ # Initialize an empty list to store the vertically stacked rows pdims = array.sharding.mesh.devices.shape field_slices = [] # Iterate over rows in pdims[0] for i in range(pdims[0]): row_slices = [] # Iterate over columns in pdims[1] for j in range(pdims[1]): slice_index = i * pdims[0] + j row_slices.append(array.addressable_data(slice_index)) # Stack the current row of slices vertically stacked_row = np.hstack(row_slices) field_slices.append(stacked_row) # Stack all rows horizontally to form the full array full_array = np.vstack(field_slices) return full_array